20 Jul 2011
I could not resist, I had to have my google+ vanity url on my wordpress installation, and this is pretty straight forward using a well-known redirection plugin, just pick your profile id from google+ (as in figure below) and setup a 301 redirect from <your_address>/+ to your profile, that's it!
if you want to say hello: http://tom.londondroids.com/+

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01 Jul 2011
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]
Few days ago I had to deploy a simple wordpress installation for a project at @therumpusroom_ with my buddy @twentyrogersc. Super simple, yet it presented a little issue: having a personalized authentication form, displayed on a wordpress page, it was re-directing to the default login screen after specifying incorrect credentials. It came out that we needed to implement the whole authentication mechanism on a page, hence tweaking the simple post form to send data to itself instead of submitting to wp-login.php (which, btw is working fine if users provide the correct credentials, and also accept a redirect parameter to make users land on a pre-determined page).
Just for my records, I leave the code here, and I hope I could save some time to people who incur in the same problem. Here's my solution:
- from the dashboard create a page and give it a meaningful permalink, such as log-in
- create a php file and give it a name according to the wordpress convention: page-<permalink>.php (in my case: page-log-in.php)
- write the php code to perform the whole authentication (hence including password check and signon), this is my code:
// if user is logged in, redirect whereever you want
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
header('Location: '.get_option('siteurl').'/how-to');
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23 Jun 2011
So the Range Rover Evoque "Sounds of the City" project went live in Madrid at the beginning of June, and it has been a long and interesting path that eventually lead to a red carpet in Kensington, London.

I was involved as interactive producer for the installation and microsite, working with the amazing guys at The Rumpus Room for the agency The Brooklyn Brothers. We designed, developed and built all the interaction for the interactive installation and relative microsite, then shipped and attended to the events in Madrid and London with our buddies at Connect Live, who took care of the physical build of the plinth and all the logistic.
Below is the story of the installation development and deliver through a sequence of images.
Plinth prototype, assembling the interactive installation at Connect Live warehouse in Surrey.
Finding a solution for a short throw from the projectors inside the plinth.
Testing the gigE camera with fish-eye lens and NIR filter for motion detection algorithms and 360 lens to record the events (published on the microsite).
The installation working in Madrid, even under full sun light!
The interactive wireframe at Kensington Roof Gardens (Lord Sugar having a conversation in front of it, unaware that he is actually interacting with the installation)
And a gallery of selected images of all the phases of development and delivery.
[gallery link="file" columns="7"]
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