13 Jun 2014
I’ve spent countless hours trying to fix Django installations running on legacy Apache servers, these usually recurring every few months, a time span long enough to forget how the last fix was done. And for some reason, the docs are not mentioning this crucial features AT ALL! In the official Django + mod_wsgi documentation page, they don’t mention something so irrelevant such as THE MAIN DJANGO SETTINGS FILE?
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02 May 2014
tl;dr: just visit my Github repo for a simple boilerplate with basic documentation.
I have found 36,749 examples of boilerplates using a miscellanea of AngularJS, Gulp, Browserify, Grunt, RequireJS and all the usual suspects.
But none of them actually did what I needed, although I reckon it is quite simple: define Angular modules in separate files, so the code is nice and clean and all the various services, directives and controllers are pluggable without massive headaches.
At the same time, having completely ignored the existence of Grunt so far (thanks to frontend guys who took care of this), I thought it was a good time for a fresh start with the latest and more fashionables Gulp and Browserify.
I ended up creating my own boilerplate (or seed, if you like), it works defining angular modules:
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